Die, but why!

I fell down
and felt to die,
I yell in frown
and don't know why!

Time kept running
and I kept thinking,
I will die, I will die
but why, but why!!

The I realized...
Watch and drive
the hurdles are rife,
Kept me alive
the colors of life!

The Heart and The Mind!

People many a times differentiate between heart and mind but I say heart is part of mind, that part of mind which is more caring, more lively, more courteous & more humane.

Tree, I am (Environment day - 2015)

I am born
even if you do not sow seeds!
I give shade
even if not to my kids!

Cut me not
for I save your earth,
plant a plant
and eliminate the oxy dearth!

Confusing love!

Love triggers expectations
But, expecting nothing is love

Caring for the loved ones is selfish
But, love is being selfless

Love is faith
Love is trust
Love is belief
Love is care
???!!! What ???!!! :)

March on

Forget the past
target the next
the chance was not the last
don't find a pretext
March on, march towards your goal!

Focus on the wrongs
correct the mistakes
ego burns with sorry songs
take the best steps
March on, march towards your goal!

Take not to the heart
every word of everyone
for you are smart
and are prey for none
March on, march towards your goal!

March on march towards your goal
One day we'd have to look back,
at the life's path on which we've come so long;
and all the time we have made sure
that we do not regret at this moment.
March on, march towards your goal!!

The good and the bad!

I hear many people talk about money and conclude that "the rich becomes richer and poor becomes poorer". I guess this applies more to our internal prosperity. The "good" becomes better and the bad becomes "worse"!

Life ... 2

Life is like a mathematics exam; if we arrive at the right answer we will be rewarded with full marks but at time when we cannot arrive at the right answer, the steps followed always fetch us marks! Keep putting efforts towards the good and you will be rewarded in a way you deserve.

Perspective ... 3

Old is gold but everything that is old was new at some point in time! Isn't it?

Perspective ... 2

"Good" is a relative term!
Unless we assess something in a way we feel it as 'good' we do not call anything 'good' and vice-versa!

Perspective ... 1

To the eastern world it's day
when it's night to the west!

We are students to our elders
and teachers to the kids!

Through the glass I see the sun as yellow
and through water as red!

It's the difference in perspectives
that cause ideas to storm our brains,
and is the reason (partly) for the evolution of mankind!

How it all works...

It all works
if you listen carefully before you speak out!

It all works
if you analyze carefully before you conclude!

It all works
if you give out more than what you receive!

It all works
if you contribute to others' happiness before being selfish!

It all works
if you improve yourself before pointing fingers at others!

It all works
if you are optimistic & confident in yourself to the highest!

You will make it work
if you want it to work!

Dream big!

Dream big
for one day
the destination that seemed impossible
is right in front of you
beckoning to hug it
to cross it
and, to set new goals!

Dream big
for one day
your efforts take you
through the toughest paths
towards the bright lights
of success and happiness!

Dream big
for one day
you turn them into reality
and enter the realm
you always wanted to be in,
to be satisfied,
to be peaceful,
to be happy!


Born are we with the genes of our parents,
and we grow by reflecting our surroundings;
in the course of growth we learn few things,
and we love few beings.

Why is that we follow the easy paths
for which we don't even know the destinations;
why do we hypnotize ourselves
to behave like others.

Idiots out there in all corners of this round world
always try to influence us;
but aren't we skewed by our own thoughts?
aren't we skewed in following the common norms?

We are!
And this skewness always contributes
to the evolution of society and mankind!
why be them who do not wish the good to us,
let us be the ones whom the coming generations
thank with gratitude for carving their paths,
for showing them the right directions,
and for making them enjoy their lifetime on earth!

Motivation... revisited!

The light, and the heat,
comes from thee,
the nearest star;
to begin the day, you are the key!

When the sun is gone, you are the one,
to light the world and to warm the hearts;
to the earth, you are the daughter,
and to the air, you are the mother!

When all are gone, you are still on,
to pull me up and take me high,
just like a cron, you are always on,
to hold me strong and make me sigh!
You are my strength, you are my hope,
you are none other than motivation,
the source of my life and energy.

Be blind, be deaf, be dumb!?!?

I am not talking about the three monkeys depicted by Gandhiji!

A rope tied between two high standing poles can be walked blindfolded when we have the practice, confidence and determination to do so! To tackle your fears, be blind!

A deaf person can feel the movements of another person and easily make out what that person is trying to convey. To understand one's feeling, be such a deaf!
And, to ignore the ill talks of others, be a deaf!

Words once spoken can never be taken back. Not to hurt someone, better be silent and listen carefully to the other one before speaking out. Be dumb when some else is speaking to you and you only! To respond to anyone, we need good listening.

The odd side and the even side..

Every person possesses an odd side of mind and an even side of it!
The odd side always tempts us to perform odd acts, think odd..
And the even side always tries to evenly balance the odds.

More we care about the odd side, we get biased and do the odds;
more we care about the even side, we start finding peace within us!

Faith is -

- that "smile" a child has when you bounce him up in the air!
- that "determination" which keeps you going in the deep sea to get pearl(s)
- that "commitment" which gives you energy to keep climbing the highest mountain peaks
- that "belief" which makes you help the needy, and
- that "feeling" which makes you "live"!

An expression on the eve of new year 2015!

Another new year is here,
a new beginning,
a new hope to cherish the old dreams,
a new energy to refresh the thoughts,
a new sight to keep us going,
a new huger to drive us crazy, and
a new confidence to rebuild the paths we cherish!

Wishing everyone a successful and satisfactory year ahead!