Far from me you play

Far from me you play
Dad, play with me, you say!
and then I wake up from dream
to miss your play, smile, cry and scream!

Baby at birth

You arrived
and then cried
Your face we all saw
with dropped jaw
More than a while
everyone had the smile

Pink on skin
unlike any other kin
Tiny red tongue
had all the silence wrung
Rosy legs and hands
had no demands

That sparkle on your face
lit up the whole of space
Never you lose that light
in any match of life which is tight
Welcome to the world of diversities!
Wish you strength to win over all adversities!

Spectacles & remedies

For all of us who have sight problems, we have spectacles;
For all of us who have vision problems, we have remedies!!

The answer

My mother cooks
why should I?

My wife nurses kids
why should I?

My father donated blood to the bank
why should I?

The scavenger picks it up 
why should I?

The maid cleans it up
why should I?

A friend of mine helped another for recovery from accident
why should I?

A cousin of mine donated food for the needy
why should I?


My friend worked hard and became richer
why not me ...?

My co-worker earned higher respect for his work
why not me ...?

My neighbor is so happy with less
why not me ...?

I am bad
I am sick
I am jealous

I overcome my odds
I cultivate the good habits
I learn to be helpful
My education, my culture, my thoughts
give me the path
to know what should I be
and what should I be doing!!

My inspiration

Look at the sky
It's so high,
Aim not less
Take no stress

Do not cry
Make a try
Take a leap
Take a leap
and then sleep!

The Right and The Wrong

I am a right-hander
For me, right hand does right things
For me, left hand does not support to accomplish few things
For me, right hand has more strength

I am a left-hander
For me, left hand does the right things
For me, right hand does not support to accomplish few things
For me, left hand has more strength

I am brain, I have a right part and a left part
For me, right part is required as well as I require left part

I am heart, I have a right part and a left part
For me, right part is required as well as I require left part

If, I use the left and right parts of my brain,
the left and right parts of my heart
to think, to act and to live !!
Then, I should also use the left and right perspectives (360 degree perspective) of my vision
to think, to act,
to comment, to react,
to believe, to doubt,
to be calm, to shout...

I am a matured person
For me, nothing can always be right
and nothing can always be wrong
When I think at it, it is just the situation, circumstances and conditions at this point in time that decides what is right, or what is wrong and these right or wrong decisions would be applicable only to this point in time.

Some day ... (the hope)

Some day, the plant I watered will bear sweet fruit

Some day, my fractured leg will get fixed

Some day, I will be the best kid in my parents' eyes

Some day, the pits where I fell down will teach me how to walk

Some day, my skills fetch me a job

Some day, I will find my soul mate

Some day, my passion makes my way

Some day, my experiences become lessons for a lifetime

Some day, I will settle down with utmost satisfaction in life

Some times, I lose hope!
When I sit back and think over the situation I replenish the energy in me and bounce back with better-than-before levels thinking that - Some day, I will overcome my weaknesses to live more happily, more peacefully and more satisfactorily.

The "Some day" thought brings new hope in me each time when I go through disappointments, difficulties and road blocks.

And, Some day I will be the new me with unending thoughts of the Some days of life.